
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kvitka - Квітка

  Сторона 1
1. Іванку
Ivanku Johny, let's go dancing... I love you!
2. Рушничок (Музика П. Майбороди, Слова А. Малишка)
Dearest Mother of Mine (Music by P. Maiboroda, Lyrics by A. Malyshko)
Rushnychok, an embroidered cloth, evokes memories of a mother's love
3. Стоїть гора високая
Youth does not return
Willow, why do you weep at the coming winter? Though Youth does not return,
Spring will come again!
4. Ой, видно село
The Young Eagles
The young men go off to war. Come fair maidens and wish them well.
They are as daring as eagles!
5. Колискова (для Лесі) Перебірка з обрібки В. Барвінського
Lullaby (for Lesha)
(adapted from the piano arrangement by W. Barvinsky)

Сторона 2
1. Стоїть дівча над бистрою водою
River Song
A young girl sits by the rushing waters wishing she could be swept away.
She sings of the sorrows of love.
2. Бабусю рідненька
Grandmother Dearest
Grandmother dearest, you know so much of life.
I can think only of him. Is there a potion to rid me of this obsession?
No my child. The time has come for you to love.
3. Ой, казала мені мати
Mother Mother
My mother told me not to flirt with the boys, but I wouldn't listen.
4. Комарик
The Mosquito and the fly
What commotion!... The mosquito takes himself a fly for a wife.
A wife who can neither sew nor weave!
Neither sew nor weave, nor cook nor please her husband in any way.
Suddenly a storm arises and blows him out of the tree.
The poor mosquito falls and all his bones are broken!
5. Ніч така, Господи
Starry Night
The suitor implores his sweetheart to brave the chill
and share with him the beauty of the star filled again

6. Гандзя
Could there be anyone in this world as enchanting as Handzya?!
7. І шумить і гуде
Who Will Take Me Home?
I want to stay and dance, but how will I get home in this rain? she asks.
A young man answers, Dance, dance!
I will take you home. Please don't, she replies,
My jealous husband will beat me!
The young man is silent knowing he will, after all, escort her home.
8. Та туман яром котиться
The Mists
The mists of war gather...
Dance young men, while there still is time!
9. У горах Карпатах
In the Carpathian Mountains
I wish I could live in the Carpathian Mountains
where the singing birds and the mountain flutes are heard all day.
10. Взяв би я бандуру (Слова В. Лебедова)
Bandura (lyrics by W. Lebedowa)
May the song of my Bandura soar to the heavens and far away lands,
bringing joy to the hearts of many.
The Bandura, a stringed instrument related to the lute and guitar,
is the traditional folk instrument of Ukraine.
11. Верховино
Mountains of Verkhovyno, your beauty makes me want to dance!







I dedicate this collection of Ukrainian songs to Wolodymyr Cisyk, violinist, teacher, my beloved father and friend, who opened the word of music to me.
Володимирові Цісикові, скрипалеві віртуозові, моєму незабутньому Батькові - присвячую цю збірку пісень.

All solo and backup vocals by Kvitka Cisyk.
Produced and arranged by Jack Cortner.

Musicians: Side One
Classical and Steel String Guitars - Stuart Scharf
Piano - Ken Ascher
Celeste - Pat Rebillot
Harp - Gloria Agostini
Bass - Jay Leonhart, John Beal
Drums - Ronnie Zito
Percussion - Susan Evans
Flutes - George Marge
Strings - David Nadien, Concertmaster Max Ellen, Contractor

Musicians: Side Two
Classical and Steel String Guitars - Stuart Scharf
Piano - Ken Ascher
Bass - John Beal
Cello - Jesse Levy
Percussion - Susan Evans

Engineer - Michael Delugg
All selections Jack Cortner Productions (ASCAP)
Recorded at A&R Recording Studios, New York City
Assistant Engineer - Ollie Cotton
Photography - Barbara Campbell
Hairstyle - Blanca Pappas
Design - Linnea West

KMC Records
1980 KMC Recors, 95-26 92nd Street, Ozone Park, NY 11416
All Rights Reserved.


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